Robin Park

Robin is a graduate of the University of Otago with a double degree in Law and Commerce. Born in New Jersey, Robin started his choral journey when he attended Palmerston North Boys’ High School and joined the OK Chorale under Graeme Young. Since then, he has sung with NZSSC, NZYC and Voices NZ. He was also a student under Judy Bellingham and Rebecca Ryan.
Alongside choir, Robin is heavily involved with barbershop music. He coaches the barbershop ensembles at Kristin School and is training to become a certified judge in the singing category. He also serves as a board member of Barbershop Harmony New Zealand. As an arranger, Robin frequently works with the top-performing barbershop ensembles in the country. Recently, his quartet ‘Heist’ placed 6th internationally at the NextGen Varsity Contest with two of his own arrangements.
Robin was recently admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court and will be studying a Master of Intellectual Property at the University of Auckland in 2025.